Thank you.
I found the renting of the house in Citizens & Business as I was checking out Mrs. Blackburn and her help with making the Buckner/Hardee flags after finding a source for her doing so while researching at Western KY University in Bowling Green. All I got was the rental invoices unfortunately.
I plan on doing more work at WKU soon as it is only an hour away and they have some great CW manuscripts there about when the Confederates held the city. I am hoping to find mroe details on the presentation of these first Buckner/Hardee flags. They have some diaries and several letter collections fromthe time frame.
The Louisville Courier, the pro-South newspaper, had been kicked out of Louisville in October, 1861, and was printing in BG through the winter before the city was abandoned after the fall of Ft. Henry. I have not yet checked all of those winter issues yet either for flag details.
Greg Biggs