Camp Randolph was established in June of 1862 and located on the Western and Atlantic Railroad at Calhoun in Gordon County. Camp Randolph was a Camp of Instruction for new recruits and conscripts. The creation of the camp is mentioned in the O.R., Series IV, Volume 1, Part 1, pages 1141-1144. Major John Dunwoody was the camp commander. It was later moved to Decatur (also known as Camp of Instruction #2) and was abandoned in July 1864.
From the O.R.:
Calhoun, Gordon county, Ga., [June 5, 1862?].
(Received 16th, 1862.)
Adjutant and Inspector General S. COOPER,
Richmond, Va.:
SIR: Since my last report stating the result of my interview with the Governor of Georgia I have the honor to inform you that I called
upon Major-General Pemberton, commanding Military Department of South Carolina and Georgia, who in compliance with my instructions on that point issued to brigadier Gen. A. R. Lawton, commanding District of Georgia, Special Orders, No. 61, a copy of which I inclose. Agreeably to said order I prepared a list of enrolling officers and their assistants for each Congressional district for the approval of General Lawton, who caused the same to be detailed and to report to me for instructions. And in conformity with the last clause of the said Order No. 61 I have instructed each district enrolling officer to employ not exceeding two competent conscripts to perform the enrolling duty under his direction and in accordance with instructions contained in my General Order, No. 1, dated Savannah, May 31, 1862. I have also had printed in pamphlet form for the use if the enrolling and sub-enrolling officers the conscript act, General Orders, No. 30, and such other orders as are explanatory of the same, together with my General Orders, Nos. 1 and 2, copies of which you will also find under this cover. * The district enrolling officers have entered upon the discharge of their duties and are appointing sub-enrollers in each county, who will be furnished with the necessary documents and instructions. The sub-enrolling officers will immediately commence enrolling and forwarding the conscripts to camp of instruction No. 1, Camp Randolph, which, after due examination and a thorough investigation of all the connecting circumstances, I have located on the Western and Atlantic Railroad at Calhoun, Gordon County, in the upper part of the States.
It is my opinion that during the next ten days there will be assembled at camp about 6,000 troops organized into regiments, battalion, and companies, consisting of cavalry, artillery, and infantry, most of which are entirely unarmed and organized under many irregularities not strictly in accordance with authority and regulations. I shall report more fully the special organization, &c., of each after they are established at camp. I am of the opinion that the number of conscripts in the State will not exceed 5,000 or 6,000, which is not near enough to fill out the skeleton regiments already in the field. The authorities granted to individuals to organize regiments, &c., and the various constructions placed by them upon the decisions of the Department regarding their power to continue to enlist volunteers will greatly diminish the number of conscripts, and will thereby frustrate in a measure the main object of the act, viz, the filling up of skeleton regiments already in the field. I shall decide, and shall so instruct my enrolling officers, that all volunteering and all claiming of bounty must forthwith cease, except such as in done in accordance with Article III, sections 8 and 9, of regulations, entitled "Volunteers for existing corps," to which I beg to call your special attention. This is my construction of the above-named article, based upon the reading of the article itself and upon decisions and orders since issued by the Department. I have selected and appointed my quartermaster, my commissary, and mu adjutant, whom I desire to be commissioned without delay. The name of my quartermaster is J. Milton Moore, of Kentucky, formerly acting assistant quartermaster of the Department of the West, under Major R. Stevenson, quartermaster; the name of my commissary is William B. Davison, of Augusta, Ga. Each of them will shortly forward a bond for your approval. The name of my adjutant is Charles S. Hardee, late second lieutenant of the Tattnall Guards, an unattached company, stationed at Oglethorpe Barracks, Savannah, Ga. As most of the officers of the regiments, &c., which will report at once at camp are very deficient in a acknowledge of tactics, and will need instructions, and as the conscripts will commence to report at camp by Monday, the 16th instant, I have selected a list of drill-masters whose names I respectfully submit to the Secretary of War, with the request that their commissions be forwarded at once. I shall order as many of them as I think will at present be necessary to report at camp without delay, and as fast as they arrive I will assign them to their respective duties.
I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,
Major and Asst. Adjt. Gen., Commanding Camp, &c.
[First indorsement.]
June 17, 1862.
Respectfully submitted to the Secretary of War:
Assistant Adjutant-General.
[Second indorsement.]
Nominate staff and appoint six first-named drill-master with rank and pay of second lieutenants of infantry. Inform Major Dunwody that further appointments will be made if needed, but that an unnecessary number should not be appointed.
G. W. R.
[Inclosure No. 1] SPECIAL ORDER,
Charleston, May 28, 1862.
* * * * * * *
VII. Brigadier Gen. A. R. Lawton, commanding Second Division, District of Georgia, will detail a commissioned officer for each Congressional district of Georgia, who will report for instructions to Major John Dunwody, Adjutant-General's Department, Provisional Army, C. S., charged by the War Department with the enrollment and mustering into service of such persons as are subject to military duty under the law usually known as the conscription act. In addition to the commissioned officers as specified above a reliable non-commissioned officer or private will be detailed to accompany each officer as an assistant. Major-Dunwody is further authorized to cause to be detailed not to exceed two competent persons from those who shall have been enrolled in each county as additional assistants to the officers detailed for the district.
[Inclosure No. 2.]
By order of Major-General Pemberton:
Assistant Adjutant-General.
The Secretary of War s requested to forward without delay to camp of instructions No. 1, Camp Randolph, at Calhoun, Gordon County, Ga., commission for the following necessary officers, viz:
Name. Residence. Office. Rank. Arm of service.
J. Milton Moore Kentucky Quarter-Master Captain
William B. Davison Augusta, Ga. Commissary . . Do. .
Charles S. Hardee Savannah, Ga Adjutant First lieutenant Infantry.
Charles Green Atlanta, Ga Drill-master . . Do. . Do.
John L. Wing Roswell, Ga . . Do. . . . Do. . Do.
John A. Lewis Savannah, Ga . . Do. . . . . Do. . Artillery.
Shaler G. Hillyer Penfield, Ga . . Do. . . . Do. . Infantry.
William A. Bass Atlanta, Ga . . Do. . . . Do. . Do.
R. Newton Hull Waynesville . . Do. . . . Do. . Do.
G. W. Ranson Calhoun, Ga . . Do. . . . Do. . Cavalry.
Edward W. Seabrook Charleston, S.C. . . Do. . . . Do. . Artillery.
James Clark Augusta, Ga . . Do. . . . Do. . Infantry.
C. A. Withers Atlanta, Ga . . Do. . . . Do. . Do.
Daniel G. Purse Savannah, Ga . . Do. . Second lieutenant Do.
C. A. Stone Atlanta, Ga. . . Do. . . . Do. . Do.
W. W. Brimm Decatur, Ga . . Do. . . . Do. . Do.
G. Barrett New Bridge, Ga. . . Do. . . . Do. . Do.
Charles Pratt Roswell, Ga . . Do. . . . Do. . Do.
Joseph A. Cotton Powder Springs, Ga . Do. . . . Do. . Do.
Joseph Thompson Atlanta, Ga . . Do. . . . Do. . Do.
By order of Major John Dunwody, assistant adjutant-general and commandant of camp:
Adjutant of Camp, &c.