Tennessee Division SCV and the N.B. Forrest SCV Camp Annual Forrest Conference - “Forrest at Chickamauga” – Saturday, 25, 2010
The annual Nathan Bedford Forrest Conference will be held in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area with the this year’s focus being “Forrest at Chickamauga.” The event will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2010. The event begins at 9 am and concludes at 5 pm. The cost is only $45 and will include lunch and the afternoon tour of the battlefield where Forrest fought in September, 1863. The seminar will be held at the Colonnade Event Center, 264 Catoosa Circle, Ringgold, GA. This is off Battlefield Parkway, I-75, Exit 350, just east of the Chickamauga Battlefield.
Speakers include - Professor Brian Steel Wills, University of Virginia. Author of: "The Confederacy's Greatest Cavalryman: Nathan Bedford Forrest;” James H. Ogden, III, Historian, Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park; and Morris M. Penny, NASA Aerospace Engineer (retired) Marshall Space Flight Center. For more information please contact: Terry Siler at (423) 842-5963, or by email at: tenncoastie@aol.com.
We hope you will support this fine event which is a production of Tennessee Division Sons of Confederate Veterans and the NB Forrest SCV camp of Chattanooga. This promises to be a great one!