The Georgia in the Civil War Message Board

Re: inbecile
In Response To: inbecile ()

Barry- It makes one wonder what they called the condition we know today as "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." Some (or most!) of the soldiers must have had mental and emotional scars from the war...especially since prior to the War, they had mostly known very local lives and I'm guessing not much bloodshed save for slaughtering livestock when needed. Certainly the men who were not regular Army did not have a background in the sheer carnage that they all saw on and after the battlefield. Historian Shelby Foote once made the comment that before the War, most Americans had an idea of the country, but post-War with most men having WALKED the landscapes, it made "America" more of a living breathing concept to them. But it also begs the question did they lose a little faith in humanity as well?

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Re: inbecile