Mr. Allen
Below is a short bibliography of Glenn's 36th Georgia. Glenn's 36th Georgia was a sister regiment to the 39th Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment.
Confederate Military History, Extended Edition. Vol. 7: Georgia. Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot, 1987. See pp. 114-15 (1 photocopied page) for a brief unit history.
Crute, Joseph H., Jr. Units of the Confederate States Army. Midlothian, VA: Derwent Books, 1987. Ref. See p. 106 (1 photocopied page) for a concise summary of the regiment's service.
Georgia. State Division of Confederate Pensions and Records. Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of
Georgia, l86l-l865. Vol. 3. Hapeville, GA: Longino & Porter, 1959. pp. 929-1013. Unit roster.
Jones, Charles E. Georgia in the War, 1861-1866. Atlanta, GA: Foot & Davies, 1909. See p. 30 (1 photocopied page) for an incomplete list of unit officers.
Sifakis, Stewart. Compendium of the Confederate Armies:...Georgia. NY: Facts on File, 1995. pp. 246-47 (2 photocopied pages).
I hope this helps.
Gerald D. Hodge, Jr.
War Between the States Historian
Historian: 39th Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment