Trying to confirm that the two following men are in fact my wifes gr.grandfather and gr.uncle.They both served in the CSA and lived in Telfair Co. Ga..They also have the same birth year as her Walker's and were born in Laurens Co. Ga..They were found in the Nationwide Gravesite Locator.
John W. Walker 11-08-1822 to 01-23-1863.Buried , Walker Cemetery Wolf Creek Rd. Nunnelly Tn.37137
Wife:Mary Elizabeth Towns br.1822.
James A. Walker PVT 09-18-1824 to 07-28-1863.Buried, Miller Cemetery New Market Al.35761
Wife:Wineyford "Winny" Howard br.1822.
If anyone could solve this for us I could start working as to who their parents are.
Take Care, Perry DuPre Jr.