Some more information on Shaw taken from one of their websites. You'll find more from a Goggle search "19th South Carolina."
George Martin
Roll of Company B, Nineteenth Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers, when first organized.
Thomas P. Shaw, Captain, promoted Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel, wounded and made prisoner at Franklin, Tenn
"I think Captain Thomas P. Shaw has rather hard measure dealt him. According to one copy of the roll which lies before me he was promoted from Corporal to Captain; was wounded at Franklin, Tenn., and died from his wound at that place. Another copy says he was wounded at Franklin, but says nothing of his promotion from Corporal, nor of his death; while still another copy says he died of wounds at Franklin, making no mention of promotion. On the copy, however, which does not mention his death at Franklin, there is written in pencil on the line with his name, "Promoted Colonel", no date. This, no doubt, was read by the clerk in the Adjutant General’s office, "promoted from Corporal." I do not know when he was promoted Colonel. I only know that when I joined the Regiment, Company D, in March or February 1864, while they were still in winter quarters at Dalton, Ga., Shaw was Colonel or Lieutenant Colonel commanding the Regiment. He was in command as Colonel until after I was wounded and carried to the rear. I saw him under fire more than once, but especially at New Hope church, and he was as cool and collected as though he were receiving welcome guests at his own home. He was in command of the Regiment at Franklin, Tenn., was wounded there, shot through the body, the ball striking centrally in the upper part of the chest, but he did not die at Franklin; he was taken prisoner, but how long he remained in the hands of the enemy I do not know. He lived until some time after the war I know, for I saw him once since, and I hope he is living yet. He died in 1883.
His brother, Lieutenant Shaw, was killed in battle at Atlanta in 1864."