Gen. Bowen's wife combatant at Allatoona Pass
I have just read a book entitled The Forgotten Stonewall of the West about Gen. John Stevens Bowen, CSA, native of Chatham Co GA, second in command at Vicksburg, who died near there a few days after the surrender in 1863. According to this book by Philip Thomas Tucker, Gen'l Bowen's wife Mary Kennerly Bowen said the she had "no home but the regiment," joined the unit, donned a rebel uniform, and fought alongside the men of her husband's former regiment, the First MO at the Battle of Allatoona Pass. She was shot in the leg and captured during the battle. She returned to her home in St. Louis after the war.
The author is widely quoted among Civil War authors and has written many books on the subject of the war.
Is this story about Mary factual and does anyone have any more information on this story?
I would like to contact the author of the book if anyone has any suggestions on how to do this.
Sue Moore