Limestone Prairie is situated between two ranges of rocky mountains, known respectively as Limestone Mountains on the north and Gaines Creek Mountains on the southern side. These mountains constitute the barrier dividing Red River and its tributaries from the waters of the Arkansas River. Leading to this prairie and across the northern range of mountains are two main thoroughfares--one from Fort Smith, through Scullyville, passing the mountains at Limestone Gap and the Narrows into Limestone Prairie, and from thence via Mountain Station to Boggy Depot, over the road known as the "Overland route;" the other from Fort Gibson, via Perryville, crossing the mountains near the latter place, and from thence to Boggy Depot, known as the Fort Gibson road. From Boggy Depot are main roads leading to Fort Washita, C. N., Preston, Warren, and Bonham, Tex. At Johnson's Station, thirty miles in rear of Limestone Prairie, a road comes in from Perryville to the Overland route, and another road crossing the southern range of mountains leads to Doaksville, and from thence to Clarksville and Paris, Tex. Another road from Fort Smith, leaving Scullyville to the west, passes down near the Arkansas State line, diverges near Ultima Thule, one road leading to Fulton, Ark., the other to Doaksville, C. N. The approaches to Northern Texas are therefore best secured by keeping the army in