Excepting Lt. Adair, the officers you list are found on the rolls of the re-organized 1st Regiment of Cherokee Mounted Volunteers commanded by Col. Stand Watie and, later, Col. Jas. M. Bell.
John Wright was Lt. of the 1st Co. "G" then was Lt. of 2nd Co. "D"
The following is from Dr. Grant Foreman's 1920s transcription of National Archives records:
====={start of quote}
1st Regiment Cherokee Mounted Volunteers
Col. Stand Watie
Col. Jas. M. Bell
Originally recognized by the A.&.I.G.O. when first organized as the 2nd Regt. Cher. Mtd. Rifles, Ark., but appears to have been changed to 1st Regt. after Drew's Regt. had broken up.
Also known as 1st Regt. Mtd. Rifles or Riflemen and as "Watie's Regt." Regt. org'd. July 12/61 for 12 mos. Reorg. July 12/62 for 2 yrs.
Five Cos. temporarily attached to this Regt., after the reorg. are reported to have been assigned Feb. 3/63 to the 2nd Regt. Cher. Mtd. Vols.
Appears as Muster roll of Officers. Called into service of the C.S. in the P.A. by Brig. Gen. McCulloch from July 12/61 for the term of 12 mos. Certif. of Col. Comdy. states that this is a complete and correct list of the Regt. officers of the above named Regt. List shows only name, rand and age. A.I.I.G.O. Indors. shows "F.&.S." No band mustered.
1 roll dated Dec. 4/61 recd. A.&.I.G.O. Dec. 23/61.
1 roll dated Oct. 1/62 to June 30/63 recd. A.&.I.G.O. Feb. 15/64. 9 mo. muster.
{end of quote}=========
FYI: abbreviations used are as follows:
A.&.I.G.O. = Adjutant & Inspector General Office
Regt. = regiment
F.&.S. = Field & Staff (i.e. senior regimental officers not attached to a company; in practice the Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, and Major served as battalion commanders when the regiment was split apart for operations in different locations; other staff officers included the adjutant, commissary officer, surgeons, and chaplain)
Cos. = companies
reorg. = re-organization
C.S. in the P.A. = Confederate Service in the Provisional Army
Col. Comdy. = colonel commanding (usually abbreviated "Col. Comdg.")
Indors. = Indorsement (or "endorsement")
Hope this helps some.