Hi Gary,
I believe we've corresponded before, but I'm not sure. My cousions, Vicki and Sherri, sent me an excerpt from G.Pa Anderson's Bible that someone had in AR. In it, the date, time, etc. is given pertaining to Rufus as well as the listing of the men's names. I, However, am still on the quest to find the war records pertaining to Rufus. Do you have a copy of the letter that G. pa Anderson wrote to g.ma Milly dated Nov. 1864? I'd like to get with you because I've been trying to gather information for your g.father as well. We have quite a few Musgraves that migrated to Peggs, Ok in 1880 following the war. Milly was one of them with her daughters Sarah Elizabeth Musgrave Young, Nancy Musgrave Holland. I've not been able to decipher by the tombstombs who they belong to-my grandmother Milly and Anderson or your Grandfather. Any way--There are a lot of questions I have about the Musgrave boys. Love to hear from you.