Yes, perhaps 50-100 full-bloods and several hundred mixed-bloods, more in the Army of Tennessee. I'm not aware of an identified Native-American in the Confederate Navy, but I'm sure there were some.
Here's a link to a monument and a list of Catawba who served in three (3) South Carolina units all a part of Lee's ANV.
I'm aware of members of the 13th Mississippi Infantry (Barksdale's) who were mixed-blood Choctaws. Several Alabama units, usually thought of as "white" had mixed-blood Creeks (Muscogee). Four "Krebs" brothers were members of the 5th Mississippi Infantry. Two were killed at Shiloh. The five Womack brothers of the 28th Louisiana were the sons of a half-Cherokee/half-Choctaw mother.
One of my Indian ancestors, as well as several other known Cherokee were member of the 4th Arkansas (McNair's) and fought at Pea Ridge before they went East.
Be assured no major battlefield in the Civil War was without full and mixed-blood Native-Americans, on both sides.
Though it just scratches the surface, you might want to read Dr. Larry Hauptmann's "Between Two Fires" which identifies both individuals and tribes who fought in a host of different units.
Thought you might want to see this. William "Billy" Krebs of the 5th Miss. Infantry, Chalmers' Brigade killed at Shiloh.
Jim Martin