The Indian Territory in the Civil War Message Board - Archive

Honey Springs Battlefield - Update

This update appeared on the Texas Message Board on 11 August. But in case anyone missed it (and 4 of the 8 notes are NEW, here's what's happening at the Honey Springs Battlefield:

{1} During the annual Memorial Service last month [July 19], Interpretive trails 1 (Union bivouac), 2 (Federal line of battle), and 3 (Confederate line of battle and area of hand-to-hand combat) were dedicated. The trails have 4-color exhibit signs with text, photographs, graphics, and maps.

Before the end of the year, trails 4 (area history, fighting south of the creek), 5 (the final action, treating the wounded, burying the dead, soldiers' letters), and 6 (Confederate headquarters) will be completed.

The battlefield access road is open Tuesday-Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. during the days of Daylight Savings Time (summer hours), and closed Mondays and Holidays.

The winter hours correspond to Central Standard Time and are the same except the battlefield is also closed Tuesdays.

{2} A tour booklet was prepared containing all the text but none of the graphics in order to keep the number of pages to 40 -- (don't panic; it's legal-sized paper, folded in half and printed on both sides, so there are actually only 10 sheets of paper).

{3} While we're waiting for the state construction bonds to be sold, we've moved in a used temporary school building (32' x 24'). As soon as the regional electric company runs a line to the building, we'll begin construction. This will house a scale-model battlefield diorama (already constructed) and displays of uniforms and equipment, as well as a very small gift shop. This temporary facility will be dedicated at next year's Memorial Service (Saturday, July 20, 2002).

{4} We've received word from Fountainhead Resort Lodge that they'll let us have the lakeside rooms for $75.00/night for our 140th Anniversary Symposium, which will be held on Thursday-Friday, July 17-18, 2003; (this will be followed on Friday night by the annual "Memorial 5-K Run & Fun Run" and Saturday by the annual Memorial Service). Ed Bearss has already pledged to be the symposium luncheon speaker "Putting the Battle in Context". Other nationally recognized speakers have tentatively agreed to participate (and will be announced when they say for sure they'll be here).

As soon as all the details are worked out, they'll be on our "unofficial web site" at .

{5} Our next free event is the periodic "Squad Encampment" from 1 - 4 p.m., Saturday, September 15. This particular one will feature civilians. Others are scheduled for November 17, 2001, and, March 16, April 13, and May 11, 2002. [The encampments vary between Union/Confederate Artillery/Cavalry/Infantry/Civilian to show that there was much more to the war than shooting at each other.

{6} "Civil War Ghost Stories" are told at 7 and 8:15 p.m. the last Saturday of October each year. Reservations are recommended but not required. ($3/adults, $1/children 6-18).

{7} The next Honey Springs Reenactment will be the last weekend of September 2002, with a "schools day" on Friday.

[The 2001 reenactment -- held near Vinita -- will depict the 1st Battle of Cabin Creek on Saturday, September 29 and the 2nd Battle of Cabin Creek on Sunday, September 30. For information contact the Friends of Cabin Creek Battlefield or Whit Edwards at the Oklahoma Historical Society, phone 405-522-5235.]

{8} Our next candle-light tour will be on Saturday, March 16, starting at 7 p.m. [guided tours through vignettes start every 15 minutes and take about 40 minutes to complete].

Please mark your calendars now and plan on attending these events and gatherings at the Honey Springs Battlefield!!!