Ken Martin,
Our friend, Jerry Coffee, sent this info about the changing names of the Boggy Creeks.
Quoting Jerry Coffee:
The old map I have seen says what is now Atoka, OK is on the North Boggy Creek.
The old map is either incorrect or the name of the creek has been changed because the current USGS Topographical map indicates that Geary's Station was on North Boggy Creek, six miles north of present day Atoka which is at Muddy Boggy Creek. You can see the old original road cut as indicated by the elevation lines as the Texas Road approached the north side of the bridge at Geary's Station. The map indicates that Geary's Station was located approximately 610 feet downstream from the present US-69 highway bridge over North Boggy Creek.
The topo-map also indicates that present day Atoka is located on the south side of Muddy Boggy Creek. A Confederate Cemetery is shown on the topo-map about 400 feet east of U.S. Hwy-69 next to the MKT Railroad tracks on the north side of Muddy Boggy (Middle Boggy) Creek. That is likely the cemetery where the forty-seven (47) Confederate soldiers were buried who were killed in the battle of "Middle Boggy" on February 13,1864. History indicates that the soldiers were buried on the battlefield.
I can only guess, but in the 1800s, the present day Muddy Boggy (Atoka) was called the Middle Boggy because it is located between the Clear Boggy (Boggy Depot) and the North Boggy (Geary's Station).
Jerry Coffee