After the Battle at Middle Boggy the Federal Cavalry pursued the retreating 'rebels' for "a considerable distance". Phillips camped on the battlefield that night, Camp Kansas, and then moved 20 miles south to Camp Kagi in the Chickasaw Nation. On the 15th, he wrote to Jumper, Colbert, and the Choctaw Council from Camp Kagi and tells Chickasaw Governor Colbert that he visited his house. On the 16th, Phillips writes from Little Rivertown in the Creek Nation 'near Old Fort Arbuckle' and 105 miles from Gibson.
OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 1, vol 34, Part 1
Numbers 2. Itinerary of the Indian Brigade.*
February 1.-Battalion of infantry,under Major Wright, marched to Rhea's Mills, 65 miles, to run mills and get forage and breadstuff. Commands from the First Indian Regiment, Colonel Wattles; Third Indian, Major Foreman; battalion Fourteenth Kansas Cavalry, Major Willetts; section of Kaufman's howitzers. Captain Kaufman, with the commanding officer, marched southward across Arkansas River; reached Hillabee after a march of 75 miles.
February 5, 6, 7, and 8.-Had skirmishes, in which upward of 50 of the enemy were killed. Rebels fleeing southward in great confusion.
February 9 and 10.-Three expeditions as advance columns to Little River, which whole command reached on the 11th. The
enemy was broken up into little companies, and had not time to recover. In one affair 30 were killed by Major Willett's command, 10 by Captain Phillips', 9 by Major Foreman's, and 6 by Captain Jacob's; 20 prisoners taken.
February 12.-Marched forward, the re-enforcements of cavalry not arriving.
February 13.-On Middle Boggy the advance had an engagement, in which 49 rebels were killed in action; left dead on the field. Rebel force completely routed and pursued considerable distance.
February 14, 15, 16 and 17.-Marched southward toward Washita and some to Mexico. Rebel force under General Maxey and General Cooper fled across Red River. Colonel Baylor fled from Red River to Brazos. Ammunition expended, the command marched back to Gibson. While detached mounted forces swept the whole country for 80 miles on each side, the main command proceeded to countries depopulated of their rebel inhabitants. Oxen taken for supply train. The command subsisted itself during the greater part of the expedition on corn taken in the country, ground in had mills taken from the enemy.
February 29.-Got back; mustered and inspected.