Yes in fact i have two different photographs of the flag. I found one in the Confederate Veteran Mag. When I first noticed it, I wasn't sure that it was from the Battery because it was taken at a veterans reunion. It was appearently one of the only flags that Texas Confederate Veterans had to use at their reunions in that area. The person holding it is not a member of the battery. The other is a very good full length view of the flag with the batteries color sgt, taken some time after the war.
In both photos the flag is hanging straight down, but you can make out the hole in the center that was created when it was hit by artillery fragments during the artillery duel at Pryor's creek, on the return from Cabin Creek. The color sgt. Wm. T. Gass was hit by the same shell fragment in his shoulder. I will try to send a photo here, I attempted it once but it told me my file was to big.
I have reproduced the orginal flag, and have it as a part of my collection of flags that flew over the Indian Nations during the war.