Congratulations to our fantastic webmaster who not only created these message forums but is committed to maintaining their high standards such that they keep getting better with time. We often are not aware of the effort required to keep the boards free of spam, commercial, and other unacceptable posts.
Stephen Whitlock's posting states they "chose Jim's boards for content, authenticity and historical accurateness." Jim has created the message boards, upholds its stated standards, and promotes the ideals. Each of us, as participants and contributors, have an obligation to ourselves and each other in striving for our shared ideals of "authenticity and historical accurateness".
Thank you to SHAPE for this well deserved recognition of my life-long friend and mentor.
P.S. It is comical to me that my original post was blocked due to inappropriate content (e.g., the 'bad word blocker') for using a term describing what Jim very effectively keeps off the boards. A mild inconvenience to maintain the high quality of the forums!