Thanks for the response!
I haven't been up yet. I've been trying to assemble additional geographic detail before heading out to explore. I've driven around in the area before so I'm familiar with most of the features you are describing.
I have found an account by one of Gano's men that appeared in several Texas newspapers. He says, basically, that the camp was on the Texas road and mentions charging up the road at one point, which suggests that it probably was immediately adjacent to the road. He also mentions running Federals into the creek and that the Texans avenged the scalping of some of their men after the Battle of Massard Prairie by Pins. This is the second account I've found that mentions scalpings after the fight at Massard.
I also found an account from the 1870s that describes the discovery of human bones on the prairie between Wagoner and Flat Rock Creek.
You may be right about some artifacts in the area coming from a second skirmish or skirmishes. I believe Watie took a small wagon train at Flat Rock Creek on a different occasion.
I've been working with satellite imagery to plot the original route of the Texas road through there and will probably drift up in the next day or so and take a closer look on the ground. The satellite shots show that the road had several different paths as it approached the creek. It reminds me a lot of the old road traces at Honey Springs.
There is a good description of the prairie and creek crossing in an account written shortly before the war by a scientific expedition that explored the area.
I became interested in Flat Rock while working on my Massard book last year because I kept finding accounts of it that I hadn't seen before.