Sir, I am Not a Cherokee reseacher- and have very little knownladge or understanding about any of the pre -remove from Ga. Tn. Nc.Sc Ala,or Va, Area's or the real orgin of the Cherokee Pin's aka(Kee-Too-Wha?) it may be lost in Myth and Leacy-and handed down by from an ancestor or predecessor or by heritage its true meaning was changed by the (Chief)Ross to be used for a differant use than and was expanded to other Indian tribes/ to mean a full blood Indian who had Union sympathy- tie's-OR had Joined the Union cause and not the Confed. someone else may be able to help you better with your real question you might read some of Ken Martin answers-- He is Cherokee-and very good in that field
I am of a differant tribe Sorry''I Answers must be correct as possible- I try never answer anything that has does not have any Refer. or of good source's./you may need a good Book on the early Cherokee Settlments Thanks Danny K.