Jane sorry I missed you at the event, and sorry you missed some of the lectures as well. I don't often get to hear many but my unit didn't attend and gave me more free time than usual.
About your quesiton on regiments. Reenacting regiments are made of of various reenacting groups. For example my unit is the pelican rifles of the 3rd La. Infantry. When we go to an event we don't usually keep that company during the reenactment unless they were actually in the battle protrayed. So at this event we were all apart of Gano's brigade, which was made up of various regiments. Our company would become as an example the lead company, and another would make up the second and so forth until you have a regiment or a brigade.
here is how it goes.
a Company approx 100 men, and 10 companies make up a regiment. So when different reenacting groups get together they each become one of the companies of a regiment or battalian. Reenacting groups can have members from anywhere, but usually attempt to stay local to the mair area for obvious reasons.
Let me know if that helped.
This was the first time that there wasn't some sort of Indian representation at the event, but to answer your question there are not really any good Indian units that I am aware of that do the civil war. I do know that we have Indians in our "white" reenactors units.
This was one of the reasons I listed why we would never be able to do a good impression of the Cabin Creek battle, not enough Indians, not enough wagons, and no real effort to even protray the event much more than generically. I wish that wasn't the case, but it seems to be so.
For example why no women out in the battle field when we attacked, (perhaps their were, but I didn't see them) We certainly didn't get to capture any, although we did capture a groups of Yankees. And as far as I am concerned the reenactment ends just at the time I feel it should be getting very interesting. It would have looked great to have the confederates plundering the wagons, eating food, putting on uniforms for their old worn out rags. (By the way did you ever notice any confederate uniform that looked worn, torn, or almost non existent? I didn't unless I was looking at my own. We should have had a officer telling the ladies that they could return under safe conduct to Kansas, and have them refuse the offer, plus the Black woman could have been shown being not given that change and were told they would most likely be returned to slavery.
It would have been great to have the Captain of the Gano Guard shoot and kill the member of Howells texas battery after getting liquored up on the liquor found in the train. Non of that took place sad to say, nor was any attempt made to demonstrate the confederates removing the train from the field after the fight.
I will now step down off the soap box, and say I still enjoyed the even, and hope that you will perhaps come see another one, when you get the chance.
Did you husband attend or did he stay home and watch the sooners go donw in flames?