Sorry it has taken so long to respond. I have recently been in touch once again with the owner of the flag belonging to howell's battery.
I have not been able of have any long conversation yet and am attempting to do so soon. I did find out that the address I had wasn't correct as I had written it down incorrectly and probably explains why I never got any responses. I will send the copy of the book to them and hope to get replies favorable.
I am quite certain that the flag owners are very private persons and don't really want any advertising of their flag. I try very hard to respect that while at the same time hope to someday get a photo of the flag as it now exist. All I have ever gotton was a discription of the flag as to it's size and color and material. From that i was able to make a replica or as close a replica as I could given the information I received.
I have kept the family name out of the book per their request.
I hope to later this year had something more positive to relate to everyone here.
I do know from my conversations that the flag has been preserved according to how old flags are being preserved. It is in a glass case.
If I find out more that I can share, I will let everyone know.