The Indian Territory in the Civil War Message Board

Would anyone know this location?

Does anyone know the location of the tract of land she mentions and if a state park was actually built there?



Madam President and United Daughters of the Confederacy: It gives me untold pleasure to come before you as a duly accredited representative of Oklahoma with a State area of 70,057 square miles and a population of 1,750,000 people, whose capital city boasts 68,800 citizens acquired in its twenty one years of existence, with an area of 17 square miles, 186 miles of storm and sanitary sewers, 108 miles of asphalt paved streets, 85 miles of electric street railway, a public school system maintaining 21 ward schools and 300 teachers, and a handsome, prosperous church building on every other corner.During the two months of my office just past it has been my duty and pleasure to have visited thirty three towns and traversed over 2,000 miles in an effort to comfortably house for the winter and all time the fifty four of our own Confederate people who have made application for our care and protection in their declining days. From you older States, who can hardly remember the time when you did not glory in your Confederate homes, let me bespeak a kindly, considerate thought for the new State that so early in its existence is giving its best efforts for the care of the survivors of that brave army whom we instinctively revere and honor.

The Oklahoma Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy, is by no means idle. At the State Convention held in Oklahoma City in June, 1910, many delegates reported many lines of work. The custodian of crosses reported 101 crosses having been bestowed during last year. Our memorial days are very generally observed by fitting ceremonies. We have what we term an auxiliary director, a State officer whose duty it is to organize the children of the Confederacy. Cur historian prepares a monthly program for each Chapter, which in some cases is supplemented by a special historical course. Many Chapters are placing pictures of Southern heroes in our public schools. This means more to the children of our Western State than you may imagine at first thought. When you know that we are not "typically Southern," you may better appreciate the fact that two of our newest, finest school buildings recently completed in Oklahoma City bear, through our efforts, the proud names of Robert E. Lee and Joe Wheeler, and handsome steel engravings of these heroes of ours hang therein.

Our donations to the several monument funds have been somewhat curtailed this year owing to urgent home needs. We are taking up through an educational committee a line of work new to us, offering medals for best essays.

Another work we have in mind is the establishment of a "relic room in the capitol" building soon to be erected, in which we are assured of the cooperation of the Capitol Commissioners.

Still another work in view is petitioning the Legislature to set aside a certain tract of land in the southwestern part of the State where four Confederate generals were quartered, making it a historical spot for a State park.

We are also asked to furnish a Confederate flag that saw real service during the sixties for reproduction in the second edition of the "Oklahoma History," to be compiled soon. This flag must necessarily come from the old Indian Territory side of the State, as the western portion is probably not in possession of such mementoes.

Pardon me for making report of future work instead of that already accomplished, it is typical of the Western folk.

I feel that Oklahoma Division is in active, prosperous condition, much of which is due to its efficient corps of State officers. Would that I had time to tell you wherein each excels! These, with the rank and file, stand ready to do what comes. to hand for the good of the cause we espouse, for the glory of the heritage that is ours, believing that such devotion, loyalty, and faithfulness are the things worth while.

Confederate Veteran March 1911

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Would anyone know this location?
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