A first cousin to my great grandfather named Simeon Decatur Herd served in Co K, 34th Texas Cavalry. He was not stationed in the Territory in 1865 and as far as I can tell from his record was on more or less permanent medical leave after the regiment returned from Arkansas in early 1863. He appears to have been living in Clarksville, Texas since he is recorded as having married a girl there in 1864. A video interview was conducted by the Oklahoma Historical Society with a descendent of his, Lee Herd of Swink, Okla. Lee's memories of his grandfather was a little confused but he said that Simeon told him that he was given a horse at the end of the war to replace the one he had lost and that he swam the Red with this horse in 1865 to be discharged at Fort Towson. No record of this exists as far as I know.