The Kentucky in the Civil War Message Board - Archive

the battle of perryville

The battle of perryville was a very special turning of the war.Gen bragg, Gen buell,Gen buttler. It was all about water.At that time both north and the south came into a area where several county's merge. marrion co, mercer co.boyle coand washington co. alto the battel and scermishes all took place around perryville,peters hill.and of coursechaplin river,the only place withen 50 miles to neariest water.perryvillekentucky is a small town vagley touch by resttoration , still remains. It is very well worth seeing the reanactment is every oct 8yh 9th 10 th .It is well worth the drive if you live anywhere close to ky.have any questions please ask and i will try to respond,Thank's Greg Dalton.

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the battle of perryville
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