The Kentucky in the Civil War Message Board

Re: 9th Ky. Cavalry at Atlanta
In Response To: Re: 9th Ky. Cavl ()


I thought I should pass along my thoughts on Col. Austin. In the W.J. Bass Co G 7th Regt Miss Inf. autobiography, Bass mentions the 9th Ky Cav. and action at Atlanta while the Battle of Peachtree Creek was being fought farther down the line on July 20, 1864:

“20th Early in the morning taken up our old trade entrenching and making preparations to meet the Enemy. 9 oclock AM Regt was ordered to the frount & two support the 9th Ky Regt of Cavalry We were deployed for skirmishing. The Enemy charged our Cavalry driving them back to our line. We held them back and skirmished with them until 3 oclock PM When they charged us with a heavy line of infantry driving us back to our reserved Picket Line”

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