Thanks for the info and reference. I'll have to check to see if my local library has that book.
The following Pickens County, Alabama man is why I'm researching this. I'm trying to determine if they are indeed one and the same person.
BONNER, John M., 2nd Lt.
Probably born in Pickens County, near Bridgeville where he is known to have lived as a boy. He graduated from the University of Alabama in 1857. He may have moved from Pickens Co. to Morehouse Parish, La. before the war. He served in the Confederate Army as a 2nd Lt., regiment unknown. No further information.
[Possibly the same as BONNER, John M. who was promoted from the rank of 2nd Lt. to 1st Lt. in the 16th Louisiana Infantry Battalion (Confederate Guards Resp. Battalion), Companies A & B. In that soldier’s record, the last entry notes, “Absent at Alexandria, La., representing Confed. States in sundry suits of habeas corpus."]