The Louisiana in the Civil War Message Board - Archive

Brass buttons/cockade--help!

Hi all--

Greetings from Michigan!

I am attempting to acknowledge my mother's heritage by making up a brass button & ribbon cockade. Sutlers sell these at local events; typically it's a unit or other emblem button in the middle of a circle of gathered ribbon. You wear 'em on hats or lapels. I made one using my Ann Arbor Railroad button, and it looks quite fine.

My question for y'all is: what colors of ribbon should I use? Was thinking the LA state colors, listed on a website as "blue, white, and gold," but what shade of blue would that be? I play in a Cajun & Zydeco band (yep, in the great white north!) so I was considering Mardi Gras colors, but those are a little garish for re-enactments.

I'm told I had an ancestor who saw duty, but have no idea what regiment, etc.

Any suggestions? I already have the buttons, in large and small sizes. Thanks!
--Karen M.

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Brass buttons/cockade--help!
Re: Brass buttons/cockade--help!