HEY Barry if it's James J Winslett your talking about yes that would be my kinfolk he was kia in the fighting around Atlanta in 1864 in covington Newton county Georiga he was born in greene county Georiga so he was litarally defending his home. Also FA Winslett had a older brother William N Winslett Co C 46th Alabama that was Kia at Vicksburg. Have you seen any record of his place of rest? Also Thadeus C Winslett was Kia at Chickamauga 21 sept 1863 but I have no idea what regiment he served with. I've found no record so far. But I;m still working on it. In all I had 19 winslett's that served the Confederacy most from Alabama some from Georiga and some were regular Army. I'm retired from the Army myself and I grew up listening to my greatgrand mother talk about how Mr Lincoln never was our president so I decided to start looking up my heritage. She married Joseph Willis who's father J Willis SR fought with the 2nd regiment 63rd Alabama Infantry at Spanish Fort Alabama. I never realized how much of my blood was spilled for SOUTHERN INDEPENDENCE untill now. It's very rewarding knowing there were no coward's in my family. Also note Jsmes j. Thadeus c. william N. and FA winslett were all cousin's. Thadeus C was an only son. My Best regard's Dave.