The Missouri in the Civil War Message Board

Two Tidbits
In Response To: Civil War Newspapers Online ()

[NEW ORLEANS] DAILY PICAYUNE, February 19, 1864, p. 3, c. 2
Quantrell's Love of Flowers.—Mr. George Ford writes from Lawrence to a Rochester nurseryman:
The seeds we purchased from you last season came up remarkably well. The German asters were very fine, some seventy being in full bloom at the time of the Quantrell raid, and were the means, providentially, of saving our house from pillage and destruction. Quantrell, with a dozen of his gang, came to destroy the place; but when appealed to by my wife to spare her house, he (Quantrell) said it was too pretty to burn, and should be saved.

NEW ORLEANS] DAILY PICAYUNE, April 17, 1864, p. 3, c. 2

Mrs. Lincoln and the Disembodied.—There is a story going the rounds of the capital to the effect that Mrs. Lincoln, a few days since, consulted the spirits on the subject of the next Presidency, and that the disembodied stated very emphatically that she would not be the mistress of the White House longer than the 4th of March, 1865. Mrs. L., though hitherto an orthodox member of the rappings fraternity, expressed her disbelief in "manifestations," and departed the "circle" fully persuaded that the medium was a charlatan.

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Civil War Newspapers Online
Re: Examples
Re: Examples
Thank you for posting this!!!!!!!! *NM*
Two Tidbits