Here is a list that I compiled from various sources of the victims on Quantrill's raid on Lawrence. This included the dead, wounded, and missing. I would appreciate it if anyone could review it and let me know of any errors. Note that I have places alternate spellings of names in parenthesis. I have tried to identify all of the victims who may have been members of a Kansas regiment.
J George Albach (Albrecht)
Phillip Albach
recruit Charles R Allen, 14th reg
Clay Allen (colored)
Pvt E (Elmore) Allen, 9th Cav
Duncan C Allison
George Alwes
recruit Charles Anderson, 14th reg
John Anderson
James Argel
* Harlow W Baker, merch / revolver
Mr Barnard
Mr Becker
* Capt George W Bell, 12th Inf / Co Clerk
George Bent
John Bergen
Dennis Berryman
Samuel Bowers (Bower)
Chaplain R (Randolph C) Brant, 2nd Inf
James Brechtlesbauer (Breckelsbauer)
"One Armed" (James, J H) Brown
Dennis Burns (Burnes)
Michael Burns
George Burt
Judge Louis Carpenter
Charles Cloud (Clona)
George W Coates (Coal, Coat)
L Dwight Coleman
* Mayor George Washington Collamore (QM General), well
Pvt Hoffman (young) Collamore (Callamore), 17th Inf
recruit James F Cooper, 14th reg
* John A Cornell, redleg
P Cornell
* John Lewis (Louis, S) Crane, jayhawker
John Dagle
* Ralph C Dix, redleg
* Stephen H (Steven) Dix, redleg
young (brother) Dix
John S Drake
Sylvester Dulinsky
William Dulinsky
Uncle Frank Dyre
George Early
Carl Eckman
John Edwards
August Ehles (Ethels)
James Eldridge, clerk
* Joseph Eldridge, brother
Frank Ellis (colored)
Mr Ellis (German)
Carl Engler (Enzler)
John Engler
Phillip Englesman
John Z Evans
Lemuel Fillmore
James B Finley
* Joe Finley, redleg
* Edward P Fitch, abolitionist / quiet man
R H Fitts
"Old Uncle" Frank (colored)
Joseph Frank
John Frawley (Fromley)
S H Fritch
* Pvt Levi Gates
Levi Gentry
George Gerrard
Anthony Giebal (Girbal)
A Giffler (Gufler)
Pvt John B Gill, 9th Cav
* Mr Goldman, redleg
* Cpl John B Green, 7th Cav
recruit John R Green, 14th reg
Fortune Gregg
Abner W Griswold
* Dr Jerome F Griswold, druggist / revolver
recruit Walter (Watt) B S Griswold, 14th reg
recruit Aaron Haldermanm, 14th reg
John F Hampson, Johnson house
* Mr Hanson, redleg
Chester D Hay
Pvt Homer Hays, 1st Inf
Mr Hendrix
Uncle Charles Henry (colored)
Calvin Hoge
Nathan Holmes
* George E Holt, jayhawker
* cook Ben Johnson, abolitionist / 11th Cav
M Johnson
Pvt Samuel Jones, 12th Inf
* George Kallmer, redleg
* Patrick Keefe (Keith, Keiff), well
* Pvt Frederick Kimball, 7th Cav
William Klares
Frederick Klaus
William Klaus Jr
W M R Kleffer (Kliffer, Klefizr)
Wm Laman
Harwick Lambert
O O Lambert
* Pvt John Laurie (Lawrie), 7th Cav / militia
* William Laurie (Lawrie), militia
A D Lee
Christian Leener (Laner)
Pvt Christopher Leonard, 8th Cav
Henry Limbach (Limboch, Linback)
John Little
C Livingston
Otis Longley (Lonley, Longly)
* Pvt Richard Rensellor Loomis, 2nd Inf
Mr Lougley
* Capt Joseph G Lowe, 7th Cav / well
Pvt (J D) MacFarland, 13th Inf
Michael Mackin (Maclaine)
Daniel Markle
recruit David Markle, 14th reg
recruit Lewis (Louis) Cass Markle, 14th reg
recruit Samuel Markle, 14th reg
Thomas Martha (Murtha)
* Sgt Michael Martin, 5th Cav
* Robert "Bobby" Martin, teen / uniform
Amos McClellan
Daniel McClellan
* Sgt Jacob McFadden (McFradden), militia
* Nathan McFarland
Michael Meeky (Meekly, McKee)
Pvt R (Robert J) Meeky (Meekly, McKee), 7th Cav, 16th Cav
Pvt (Franz) Miers, 15th Cav
* Pvt Josiah Miller, 11th Cav
cook Dennis Murphy, 16 Cav
James Murphy
Thomas Murphy
W Nathan
Mr Nichols
George Oehrle
Anthony Oldham (colored), preacher
* Cpl James O'Neil, 2nd Cav
George Page
Charles A Palmer
Daniel W Palmer, gun shop
recruit Asbury (Ashbury) Parker, 14th reg
recruit Isaac J Parker, 14th reg
James Perine (Perrine), clerk
* Pvt Jacob (James) Pollock (Pollok), 14th Cav
George Pope
* David H (N) Purinton (Purington), fire
George Range
Samuel Range
Peter Reed Sr
A Reedmiller
Samuel Jeremiah "Jerry" Reel
* Pvt Samuel Reynolds, 16th Cav
recruit Charles F Riggs, 14th reg
James Roach
George N (H) Sanger
George H Sargeant (Sargent)
John Schwab
* Pvt Charles Smith (Schmidt), 7th Cav
G E Smith
* Lt (Rev) Samuel S Snyder, United Brethren, 2nd Colored
* Pvt Robert Speer, 14th reg, fire
* John M Speer Jr, son
Pvt Henry Stewart, 2nd Cav
* Joseph Stone Sr
* Capt Nathan Stone, 12th Inf / friend of Q / landlord
Benjamin Stonestreet (colored), preacher
Louis H (L) Swan (Swann)
J W V Thornton, laborer
* Cpl (Sen) Simeon M (B) Thorpe (Thorp), 7th Cav / revolver
* Josiah C Trask, editor / drill master / revolver
E P Tritch
David Turk
QM James E Watson, 2nd Cav
recruit John Watson, 14th reg
Addison Waugh, clerk
recruit William A Waugh, 14th reg
Mr West
* Mr White, redleg
Pvt William T Williamson, 19th Cav
recruit James Wilson, 14th reg
* Pvt Louis Wise, 8th Inf
recruit Andrew J Woods, 14th reg
* Pvt James Woods (Wood), 7th Cav
John K Zimmerman