The Missouri in the Civil War Message Board

Gov Claiborn Jackson's Flag

Correspondence of the 3rd Indiana Volunteer Light Artillery Battery
Records of the Adjutant General of Indiana

Camp 3d Ind. Battery Fort No. 2
Springfield, MO., March 1st, 1863

Gov. O. P. Morton,
I have the pleasure of presenting to you a Secession Flag, found and secreted in a log near my Camp, on the 27th day of Feby last by Privates Joseph Patterson, Crayton Patterson, John A. White and Christopher C. Taulber of my Company.

I learn from a member of my Company that this Flag was made in Jefferson City, MO. in the Spring of 1861 by order of Cail. F. Jackson, Gen’l Price and Gen’l Parsons, and was unfurled from the dome of the Capitol when the above-named officers had procession of Jefferson City.

Governor: We send this to you, for the regard and esteem which we have for the Executive of out State. The embroidery on the flag was wrought by the ladies of Jefferson City and the Flag itself was made by an Englishman, who, upon the enrollment of the militia of the State, claimed the protection of the English Consul at Chicago, Illinois. I presume this Flag was secreted at the time Marmaduke made his raid on Springfield, MO. on the 8th of Jan’y last.

Our boys are generally well and all anxious to do all they can for the good of the cause in which we are engaged. I arrived here with my Guns, Horses and Men all safe on the afternoon of the 21st [unrecognized word] after a very tiring march through the rain, snow and hail and over the worst roads I ever saw. We marched from Rolla, MO. to this place, - distance one hundred and twenty miles – in six days time.

Receive from the 3d Indiana Battery, the kin feelings of each member.

Respectfully your most
Obt. Servant
James M. Lockefair
Captain 3d Ind. Battery