Bob, I have the same version of the Committee Report. It was immensely critical in helping me sort out the nature of the conflict between the Radicals and the Conservatives. The demise of the PEMM after only six months existance had always been a mystery to me. With the Committe Report I was able to connect a lot of dots and come up with my analysis, as published in my article on the Federal Militia in Missouri on the Civil War St. Louis website, that the PEMM was controlled by the Radicals. Since the Conservatives had control of the state government at the time (1863), I am still trying to figure out how so many Radicals came to be placed in so many command positions. I suspect Major General Samuel R. Curtis played a key role in picking the men, but I am at a loss as to why Governor Hamilton Gamble would have let him.
John, as for Ross Jelkyll and his trials and tribulations, in my book on Sam Hildebrand you may have noticed that I was able to use the Committee Report to place a bit of context to Hildebrand's commentary on Jelkyll.