The Missouri in the Civil War Message Board

Smuggling pistol caps

Smuggling percussion caps in Missouri, even by civilians, was a very dangerous business. Some of you who had read my posts on A.V.E. Johnston last month ( might recall my comment on Dudley McQueen being killed and the Hamburg Ferry being burned. McQueen got into trouble by going over to Illinois on the Ferry, and buying a large quantity of caps under an assumed name--probably to supply Drury Pulliam, who was recruiting in Pike and Lincoln counties. Anyway, Johnston caught wind of what had taken place, arrested McQueen, and burned the Ferry (I suppose there must have been some duty of the ferry company to determine whether contraband was being smuggled on their boats). Anyway, McQueen was released to take care of personal matters, and was supposed to turn himself back in within a few days. He didn't. When the 2nd PEMM went to his house, he was nowhere to be found. A neighbor informed upon him, and his hiding place was discovered. McQueen was 'shot while trying to escape.' The local press reported that he had been shot a couple of times in the chest. Nice trick for someone who was supposed to have been running away.

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Mollie - William Wigginton: Smuggled pistol caps
Re: Mollie - William Wigginton: Smuggled pistol ca
Smuggling pistol caps