My gg grandfather Fleming bard was killed by a band of bushwacker west of Dayton (Racine, Missouri. The date is unknown could have been in 1862-63. He was shot as he was traveling on the Dayton/Seneca buggy road. They took his body to Lost Creek and through him in face down. They then went to his house and made his wife go with them to pick up his body. They forced her to dig his grave and bury him while they watched. They took her back to the farm and took her wagon loaded with house furniture and goods and left her on foot with no shoes. They did not do any harm to her children. They burned the house and barn and told her to go north and do not come back. The story goes that on the same day the bushwackers visited other families and also burned a portion of Dayton. I am searching for any information on bushwacker activity in the Racine/Seneca, Missouri area. I am searching for the names of bushwacker bands that operated in that area. I am searching for dates if incidents in that area that would have to do with bushwackers.
Mark Bard