The Missouri in the Civil War Message Board

"A Savage Conflict by D. Sutherland

This is a great book that covers the irregualr conflict in the CW in various states including Mo. The conflict in Mo had a grat influence on Union policy towards CSA irregulars because Gens Sherman, Grant and Hunter served in Mo and used their experience aginst CSA irregulars in other states. Sutherland also points out that Col Harrison of the 1st Arks policy of communal farms would in a few decades be called Kibutzeim or strategic hamlets in the 20th century. Sutherland also documents that the CSA had their own irregular warfare problems at least has severe has the Union did in Mo and had much difficulty in combating it. Did irregular warfare hurt or help the CSA cause? One can argue that either wat but Sutherland does make some powerfull arguments on that question.
