The Missouri in the Civil War Message Board

Back to Lawrence

Quantrill's order was to kill, kill, and you will make no mistake, Lawrence is the hotbed and should be thoroughly cleansed and the only way to cleanse it, is to kill.The killing finished, the men were ordered to burn the town. Quantrill said, give the Kansas people a taste of what the Missourian has suffered at the hands of the Kansas jayhawker. Lieut Gregg relates this story of what he saw and burned at Lawrence.
He said when the order was given to burn, I repaired to the Southern portion of the main town, where I found about forty shanties built, three side boards the forth a hay stack and covered with hay, all of these shacks were filled with household effects, stolen from Missouri, much we recognized, many of these had feather beds, quilts, blankets, etc. stacked in there higher than I could reach, five bedsteads, beaus, sideboards, bookcases and pianos that cost thousands of dollars. Many of the shacks were in charge of Negro women, many of whom we recognized. One Negro woman I recollect distinctly, was the property of Col Steel who lived near Sibley, Jackson county, Missouri.
The town burnt, the men were collected and orders given to move out. Lieut Gregg was given orders to take twenty men, scour the place and see that every man was gotten out. However, one man, escaped the vigilance of this guard and remained in the place where soon after met a horrible fate.
Mr. J. C. Horton, now a wholesale return... (Follow section 60 for Mr. Horton's comments)