The Missouri in the Civil War Message Board

Re: Special Order #126--The Required Oath Verbatim

And here's the oath required by July 4, 1864 --

"I, A.B., aged --- years, of the county of ---, in the State of Missouri, and a native of ---, do on oath or affirmation, declare that I have not, during the present rebellion, taken up arms or levied war against the United States, nor against the provisional government of the State of Missouri, nor have willfully adhered to the enemies of either, whether domestic or foreign, by giving them aid and comfort, by denouncing said governments, either of them, by going into, favoring or encouraging others to go into or favor secession, or by going into, favoring or encouraging others to go into or favor mutiny or insubordination in any United States or Missouri State or enrolled Militia or other Union troops, or desertion therefrom, but have always and in good faith opposed the same. And further, that I will support, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Missouri, against all enemies or opposers, whether domestic or foreign, any ordinance, law or resolution of any State convention or legislature, or of any order or organization, secret or otherwise, to the contrary notwithstanding, and that I do this with an honest purpose, pledge and determination faithfully to perform the same, without any mental reservation or evasion whatever, so help me God."

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