This from the afore-mentioned Feb. 7, 1863 issue of the Lexington Weekly Union--
"...This band is a different one from QUANTRILL'S, and there is no act of arson, robery or murder, from which they shrink. This band is principally from Kansas. They fled that State for their villainy there. It originally consisted of REED, two ANDERSONS (brothers), GRIFFIN, KESLER, and his son GEORGE. KESLER and his son have left them; GRIFFIN was killed a short time since, and REED and the two ANDERSON'S have been joined by a young man, who was partly raised in this town, by the name of OGDEN, and a man who calls himself MARTIN, from near Warsaw. REED is their captain....They are the men who killed GASTON, BARKER, IDDINGS, PHELPS, KING, MYRES and MCFADDIN--who have robbed every loyal man in that whole country of money, silver plate, blankets, horses, and every thing else which could be turned into money. They boast of their deeds of daring and murder, their robbery of the mail and express, at various times, and there is no act of villainy or cold blooded murder where a dollar could be made, which they will not do...."
Any of these guys ring a bell to anybody?