Ran across posting on internet refering to Jesse James - Younger Gang. Went to that site and was reading book written by Jesse Jr. In Chapter V, --The next fight of these guerrillas was in June, 1863 {dates may be wrong} Todd led the command of 70 guerrillas, & the plan was to capture & burn KC. But on their way to KC these 70 guerrillas met in the old Santa Fe trail near Westport a column of 200 Fed's. These were soldiers from Kan. on the way to KC. Todd drew his men up in time & said to them: "These Kan. soldiers are the fellows we want. They had better be fought out here in the open than behind brick walls." Todd formed his men behind a know near Brush Creek, & himself rode forward to reconnitre the advancing column. -- My question is, is this the same Brush Creek that is SW of Lebanon, MO.? in Laclede Co.
Would appreciate your view or knowledge and confirmation.
Thank You, Ralph