The Missouri in the Civil War Message Board

Re: 48th Mo Infantry
In Response To: 48th Mo Infantry ()

Charles A Wallen entered the service with the 48th Reg Inf Volunteers, enlisting at Waynesville MO August 27th 1864 Co C. He died shortly after mustering in (Sept. 5th) on Sept 29th, (30th)1864 at Rolla Missouri. He was reinterred at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery under the marker C. A. Walker. He was aged 20 at the time of his death.

Brother John Wallen aged 18 enlisted at Rolla on Sept 16th 1864 Co C. Mustered in Oct 1. He died at Benton Barracks St. Louis Missouri on Feb 6th (12th) 1865 and is buried at Jefferson Barracks as well.

The fall of 1864 saw a farily wide spread measles outbreak in the garrison at Rolla with a number of deaths. I have no inforamtion to indicate the cause of death of these two individuals per se but as noted below Dyers reports 120 died of disease, none lost due to wounds.


Organized at St. Louis, Jefferson City and Rolla, Mo., August 3-November 22, 1864. Attached to District of Rolla, Dept. of Missouri, to December, 1864. Railroad Guard, Tennessee & Alabama Railroad, Dept. of the Cumberland, to February, 1865. Camp Douglas, Chicago, Ill., to June, 1865.

SERVICE-Duty at Rolla. Mo., till December 9,1864. Defence of Rolla against Price. Moved to Nashville, Tenn., December 9-19. Assigned to post duty at Columbia, Tenn., and garrison block houses on Tennessee & Alabama Railroad from Franklin to Tailoka till February, 1865. Moved to Chicago, Ill., February 18-22. Guard duty at Camp Douglas and escort ConfederatE prisoners to City Point, Va., for exchange till June 16 Ordered to Benton Barracks, Mo., June 16. Mustered out June 22, 1865.

Regiment lost during service by disease 120.

Source of Data: "A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, V.III" by Frederick H. Dyer, c1908, p.1338

John Russell

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48th Mo Infantry
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