John, according to the DNA results of the Webb surname
project a descendent of Hewitt Preston Webb is an exact
match of 2 descendents of Larkin Morris Webb (the Oak Grove Webbs) who came from Giles Co Tennessee. Joseph Webb
was always written up as belonging to the Webb Boone line
but the Webb Boones show an entirely different Y male haplogroup.
Steve Willliams though connects the Rogers line to Hannah
Boone sister of Daniel plus Lazarus Webb of Franklin Co Illinois (Webbs Prairie) who I believe is some relation to
Joseph. We are trying to get another male candidate from the
Joseph Webb line to verify the results. Joseph and Larkin Morris Webb test haplogroup 1 Y male.
There are so many loose ends to this family. According to the history of Jackson Co Missouri Joseph's family
was Asa, Allen, Joseph, Margaret, Nancy and William.
In the Allen Webb history it states that he had a brother die at the Alamo. There were no Webbs in that battle.
We are wondering if it could have been a step son that died or the husband of his daughter Margaret who we can not find anything about. This Joseph of Jackson Co Missouri has been confused with the Joseph Webb 1786 Pa
that died in Orange Co Indiana. He married Mary Lassiter
and she is also buried in Orange Co Indiana. They do belong to the Webb Boone line through DNA studies.
Joseph Webb 1786 NC was in Claiborne Tennessee in 1830
with family per census. On one of Allen's sons death certificate it states that Joseph was living in Chickasaw lands Shelby Co Tennessee in 1808 when Allen was born.