The Missouri in the Civil War Message Board

Re: Jasper & Lucinda Kissee Family/Massacre Death


I found Jasper Kissee bought land from the Government in Douglas County Mo. in 1859. It was in section 19 - 27N -R14W.
To look at this go to terraserverusa and enter Olathia Mo.
Olathia is in sect 18 and sect 19 will be the sect south of that. It is near Pucheon Camp Creek and Bryant Creek.
Then do a google search for "douglas county missouri in the civil war" . It brings up quite a bit of info.
I also found on the Kissee geneology forum a little bit of the story passed down. Jasper and family was supposed to have stood across a creek or river and watched the Union Troops burn their house. After that I don't know.
Hope I didn't goof up on my coordinates.


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Re: Jasper & Lucinda Kissee Family/Massacre Death
Re: Jasper & Lucinda Kissee Family/Massacre Death