I had almost nothing on A.S.M. Ratcliff until I went home in Dec, and now all I can saw is WOW.
Jamie gave me a copy of his service records which provided his first name, Alfred, and his father, Charles. Looking thru the census, he is listed as Sumpter, so I know he is Alfred Sumpter M. Ratcliff. I have received information from California, parts of Louisiana, and Jamaica, on this. A few things I need to verify was his birthday, which one says is May 11, 1835, and we know his DoD July 19, 1862.
With further research on Alfred, I found out his brother Charles served in the 4th LA Inf and died during the war, and another brother William was in Co C, 7th Miss Inf, who died of wounds received aqt Mumfordville, KY.
I got the landowners permission, and with him and a good friend, New Years Day we went and started taking the cemetery back from Mother Nature (it was so grown up that I almost tripped on one of the headstones)
Looks like there will be 3 headstones ordered and placed for these brother who gave all for something that they believed in.
Sorry for the long post, but thought I would share some of my excitement.