The North Carolina in the Civil War Message Board

1st N. C. Cavalry references

I am looking for references cited on several web pages dealing with the history of the 1st North Carolina Cavalry Regiment. Specifically, such references as:

1. "Private Levi Morphew of Company D, balked at all the discipline. In a letter to his parents he explained how easy it was to get in the hospital, 'a blood boil or even a bad corn on your toe or anything of that nature would entitle you to go there.'"

2. "Private John M. Monie of Company H got a 'much needed overcoat, a flagolet, and a fine little goat skin which some of the ladies at home greatly appreciated.'"

These are some good quotes that I would like to use in a biography of Brig. Gen. Rufus Barringer that I have written, but I would early love to know where these quotes came from and where I might obtain the entire record, etc. There might be some additional good quotations to use.

Thanks for any help on this!
Butch Barringer