The North Carolina in the Civil War Message Board

Edgecomb Co. CS Units?

Dear Tarheels:

I have been authorized to purchase a Brick for Beauvoir ( for the ancestor of a dear friend's lovely wife.

She knows that her GG-grandfather, William Henry Brown, served in the Confederate army.

She knows that he was wounded in the hand at the Wilderness.

She knows that three of his fingers curled over permanently, leaving his hand deformed.

She knows that he was living in Edgecombe County, NC, when he was of enlistment age.

He was born in 1833, and died April 17, 1906.

I need to verify which unit he was in so that I can put his rank, company, and unit on the brick.

I don't have any ready reference of Edgecombe Co., NC, CS units which I can use, in conjunction with other sources, to try to identify which of the 78 possible candidates is her GG-grandfather, choosing from among the following NC Confederates:

5 W. Brown's

9 W.H. Brown's

34 William Brown's

14 William H. Brown's

6 H. Brown's

and 10 Henry Brown's!!!

If anyone can point me to a list of Edgecombe Co., NC, CS units, I'd really appreciate it!

Of course, if you can positively identify this man from other sources (pension application?), that would be even better!

Thanks for any help here! -- Jim Huffman, Adj., Gainesville Vols, SCV Camp 373, Pearl River County, MS