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Lincoln's Prayer...

ALEXANDRIA, February 9, 1862.
Hon. W. H. SEWARD, Secretary of State:

To-day the Rev. J. H. Stewart was arrested in the pulpit of Saint Paul’s Church in Alexandria for omitting the prayer for the President of the United States by your detective here, Mr .Morton. The omission of that prayer occurred in the same church in my presence weeks since. I reported the fact to the headquarters of the Army of the Potomac for the information of the Government, but did not deem it an act that authorized or called for my interference. Had it been a matter of duty I would cheerfully have taken such measures as the circumstances called for and will execute any instructions as may be given in the case, but as it now stands I conceive my rightful authority has been interfered with and the quiet and police order of the city disturbed. May I ask to be put in possession of the Government’s views in such cases. My own views and object in the performance of duty here has been to win rather than force back the affections and adherence of Southern people to the Constitution amid its blessings. This I have and still believe the true policy to reinstate the Constitution in all its integrity.
Brigadier. General.