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Book report

I've been doing a bit of reading and there are two books I think some of you may enjoy if you haven't read them.

Thirteen Moons--Charels Frazier. This is not at all the Cold Mountain story. Truth be told, I liked it better. For some reason it was easier to read. There is a very short section on the CW and it is quite funny (at least to me). The rest is more on the 'Removal' and life before and after with different sides tales being told. It is fiction but very easy to believe it could have happened.

Ghost Legion, A Frontier Story, by Johnny D. Boggs
This is a very easy and understandable read and is the story of two characters. They are as different as night and day but both take up arms in the Battle of Kings Mountain during the Revolutionary War. Two sides of that battle are represented by people that you would not think of to be there. Some characters are real, some are not. Took me one rainy day but was sort of sad when it ended. I Liked it.
