The Civil War News & Views Open Discussion Forum - Archive

Moderated Board

At least temporarily, this board will be monitored and moderated for content. Postings will appear, but only, after they have been reviewed by one of our board administrators. This action is being taken, due to the continual posting of off-topic and inappropriate messages for this site. Please make sure your postings "somehow" relate to a Civil War topic, past or present.

I have had to take this action in the past. It requires a great deal more work to keep up with the messages being posted on this site, when I have to read each one and approve it for display. If you have been involved in discussions in the past, that caused me to filter postings on this site, and if you're involved in the current discussions, that are causing this action, maybe you should take an introspective look at yourself and ask if you or the way you interact with other people might be the problem.

I feel like Rodney King here, but "can't we all just get along?" I would like to ask the SHAPE members, specifically to not interact or carry on their groups internal bickering on this site or any of the other message boards. I will NOT take sides regarding your problems, no matter what "evidence" is sent to me from any source. This is none of my business.

I hope cooler heads can prevail and we can return to an unmoderated board soon.

Jim Martin

Messages In This Thread

ADMIN! Moderated Board
ADMIN! No SHAPE Message Temporarily