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Tucson...The War in Arizona Territory

Company A of the Arizona Rangers, CSA, takes Tucson. Led by Captain Sherod Hunter..."picked men, inured to the hardships of frontier life, and conversant with all its details." They were armed with six-shooter revolvers and Model 1847 smoothbore Dragoon musketoons.


TUCSON, Amiz., April 5, 1862.

SIR: After a march made as speedily as practicable from the Rio Grande, attended by some violently-stormy weather, but without any accident or misfortune save the loss of one of my men (Benjamin Mays), who died at the San Simon, I have the honor of reporting to you my arrival at this place on Fellruary 28. My timely arrival with my command was hailed by a majority, I may say the entire population, of the town of Tucson. I found rumors here to the effect that the town was about being attacked by a large body of Indians; that military stores of the Federal Army to a large amount had been landed at Gnaymas, and that troops from California were on the march up the Gila River for this place; and these reports were so well accredited that a few of the citizens more ultra in their Southern feelings than the rest were about [leaving] rather than fall into the hands of their Northern foes,
to sacrifice all of their interests in this place, and look for safety among their Southern brethren on the Rio Grande.

Immediately after the departure of Colonel Reily, on March 3, for Sonora, accompanied by an escort of 20 men, under Lieutenant Tevis, I started with the rest of my command for the Pima Villages, where aftermy arrival I negotiated friendly relations with the Indians; arrested A. A. White, who was trading with them, purchasing wheat, &c., for the Northern troops, and confiscated the property found in his possession; a list * of which I send you. Among the articles confiscated were 1,500 sacks of wheat, accumulated by Mr. White, and intended for the Northern Army. This I distributed among the Indians, as I had no
means of transportation, and deemed this a better policy of disposing of it than to destroy or leave it for the benefit (should it fall into their hands) of the enemy.

While delaying at the Pima Villages, awaiting the arrival of a train of 50 wagons which was reported to be en route for that place for said wheat (which report, however, turned out to be untrue), my pickets discovered the approach of a detachment of cavalry, and which detachment, I am happy to say to you, we succeeded in apturing without firing a gun. This detachment consisted of Captain McCleave and 9 of his men, First California Cavalry. The captain and Mr. White I, send in charge of Lieutenant Swilling to the Rio Grande.

I learned also while at Pimo Villages that at every station, formerly Overland, between that place and Fort Vuma hay had been provided for the use of the Federal Government, which hay I have destroyed at six of the stations thus provided. My pickets on yesterday reported troops at Stanwix's Ranch, which is on this side of Fort Vuma 80 miles.

Allow me to say, in conclusion, that I have no opinion to offer in relation to all of these rumors that are afloat, but give them to you as I received them, knowing that your judgment and experience will dictate the proper conrse to pursue.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Captain Company A.

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