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Rebel Yells and memory
In Response To: Re: Celtic South ()

Hello Norman,

Having to discribe it in a book, as Mr. Foote did, and I'm very certain Mr. Foote read about it in a book or heard it from a very old Confederate who didn't have the lung capacity he once did (and wasn't charging into a bunch of well armed Yankees), goes against it being apart of Southern culture derived from Celtic memory. For some reason it only manifested itself for a period from 1861-65. How it is correctly done has disapeered from all Southern memory. It was not passed down which goes entirely against the Southern trait of habit, habits that are normally concret in the minds and bodies of Southerners. So why did it fade into disuse? Because it was a trait of Confederate soldiers only and with their loss and disbandment the Rebel Yell died. If it were a cultural trait we Southerners would know instictively what it sounded like, but we really don't.

David Upton

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Re: Celtic South
Re: Celtic South
Rebel Yells and memory